Are you like my friends who, last year, ended up buying hundreds of dollars of first aid kit supplies and sunscreen because they totally forgot about their HSA/FSA account balance?
Don't be like them.
Don't wait until the last minute to use your HSA/FSA money wisely. You don't need a 50lb vat of sunscreen. You need to make an educated choice about how to use those pre-tax dollars.
You can use your remaining balance for your physical therapy visits or for our PRO fitness classes!
Don't waste those pre tax dollars! Make them work for you.
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are medical savings accounts and may be used to pay for qualified medical expenses at any time without federal tax liability. An FSA allows an employee to designate a portion of his or her pre-tax earnings to pay for qualified expenses, most commonly for medical expenses, but often for dependent care or other expenditures. FSA is a "use it or lose it system", and you must spend the money in your FSA account by the end of the year or risk losing it for good. You will want to check with your employers benefit information to get further details about what your spending account specifics are, and when they need to be used.
We hope you will take time to properly utilize your tax free dollars to take care of yourself, and we look forward to seeing you at Physical Therapy!